With an average student to faculty ratio of 11:1 and an institutional commitment to teaching rather than research, Judson provides an academically supportive environment in which highly-trained instructors place the utmost priority on student learning. 88% of Judson faculty have terminal (usually doctorate) degrees in their field, and no classes are taught by teaching assistants.
However, our professors aren’t just interested in students’ grades in their classes; they’re interested in helping our students become the people they want to be, starting with their very first year at Judson.
Item 3a. of the Experiences with Faculty portion of the NSSE asks students how often they talked about career plans with a faculty member. 48% of Judson first-year students answered that they’d talked about life after graduation with faculty members “Often” or “Very often.”
In fact, from the time young women even start to consider attending Judson, faculty and staff advise and mentor them, beginning cherished relationships that grow even after graduation.
Item 13b. from the Campus Environment portion of the NSSE illustrates how first-year and senior Judson students rate the quality of their interactions with their academic advisors.
*1=Poor 7=Excellent