Visiting Judson

Many Judson Girls know that Judson is their college the moment they step on campus. We invite you to visit and experience that feeling yourself!

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What is Judson?

It is a place–of buildings and trees, of ivy covered walls, the dome of Jewett, the rustic clubhouse, curving staircases, crystal chandeliers, Victorian parlors, rows of books in the library, the hockey field, the “J.”

Our 1960 yearbook, The Conversationalist, goes on to say that Judson is so much more than its campus. Judson is also its students and faculty, its campus life, and — most importantly — its Spirit. (We believe the same is true today.)

It is a Spirit, intangible, indefinable, dwelling deep in the heart of every Judson girl who seeks and finds it. It is a Spirit found in the serenity that comes from worshiping God, the challenge that comes from striving to attain the honorable, the wisdom that comes from gaining knowledge, the glory that comes from making friends, the satisfaction that comes from using our talents,…the pride that comes from beholding the buildings on our campus…It is heard in the music drifting from the music hall, the singing of class songs, the shouts of encouragement during hockey practice, the laughter and the tears. It is felt in the warm friendships, the “gab” sessions, the genuine concern of one girl for another, the teamwork of the sister classes… It is found in all things a Judson girl loves.
~ The 1960 Conversationalist